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B (5.8 - 6.2)
B,C (0.6 - 1.3)
Low (100 - 150 ppm)
Moderate to Moist
A (60 - 65º Fahrenheit)
A (55 - 65º Fahrenheit)
A (40 - 50º Fahrenheit)

Late Spring to Summer Finish. Standard ppp.

Starting Materials: 
4-5" and Quart Pot : 6-8
6" and Gallon Pot : 8-10
7-9" Pot : 9-10

None needed. B-Nine at 2500 ppm or Sumagic at 5 ppm will help reduce size if needed.

'Banana Cream' is naturally compact and growth regulators should not be necessary.

General pest and disease practices as listed in notes. Scout for aphids and treat as needed.

Grower Tips: 

Most cultivars are classified as a cold beneficial plants. Plants that have been vernalized produce more flowers and bloom faster. 'Banana Cream' has an obligate cold requirement for flowering. Provide 8-10 weeks of cold (<44 F) when vernalizing leucanthemum.

After vernalization, leucanthemum flower best when they are grown with warm temperatures and long days (16 hr days or using a 4 hr night interuption during naturally short day lengths).

Leucanthemum are sensitive to some pesticides (namely Avid and Orthene). Care should be taken when applying chemicals.

-Avoid over watering.

-Plants grown too dry will often be shorter, delayed flowering and fewer flowers.

First to move outside
Cold Beneficial
Photoperiod for Flowering: 
Long Days Beneficial
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