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Lemon Drop® Evening Primrose Oenothera

B (5.8 - 6.2)
B (0.6 - 0.9)
Medium (150 - 200 ppm)
Moderate to Moist
A (65 - 72º Fahrenheit)
A (55 - 65º Fahrenheit)
A,B (40 - 50º Fahrenheit)

Late Spring through Fall Finish. Standard PPP.

4-5" and Quart Pot : 4-6
6" and Gallon Pot : 5-7
7-9" Pot : 7-9
10-12" and Two Gallon Pot : 10-12

For pots 6" and smaller pinch at transplanting only. For hanging baskets and pots larger than 6" soft pinch at planting and additional shaping pinch as needed. PGRs generally not needed but 5-10 ppm of Sumagic is effective.

General pest and disease practices as listed in notes. Botrytis and powdery mildew can be problematic if grown under short days and over-watered.

In response to cool temperatures spots can appear on Lemon Drop's foliage during normal production. This is a physiological response and will disappear with warmer temperatures.

Grower Tips: 

Grower Tips for 'Lemon Drop'
-Preventive fungicides are recommended at transplant.
-Requires high light in production.
-Warm and slightly dry conditions after transplanting speeds root in and growth.

Will exhibit red stem and leaf edges under cool temperatures. Yellowing foliage is most likely a symptom of over watering. Long days are needed to flower early. Under natural day length the plants will generally bloom beginning in late spring.

Do not move outside
Cold Beneficial

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