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Anniversary Abelia

B (5.6 - 6.2)
B (0.6 - 0.9)
Medium (150 - 200 ppm)
Moderate to Moist
B (65 - 72º Fahrenheit)
A (60 - 65º Fahrenheit)
A (40 - 50º Fahrenheit)

2 1/4" finishes to 1 gallon in 10-12 weeks, Quick Turn finishes to 2-3 gallon in 14-18 weeks.

Starting Materials: 
Over Wintering Temperature: 
40 to 50 degrees
Grower Tips: 

Abelia grow best with low to average moisture; media should dry slightly between waterings. Good drainage is essential.

Supplemental iron is beneficial.

This species of abelia sends off long shoots in all directions, so frequent, early pruning is recommended to produce a densely branched, full bodied plant.

Allow 10-12 weeks after pruning for new flower buds to form.

Avoid fertilizing after late summer, as doing so can push soft growth that does not harden off properly before winter.

Plants must be at desired sale size before overwintering.

Cold Required

Abelia benefit from less water. It is very important to grow them in well drained soils. The Anniversary series really benefits from frequent pruning, doing so will build a very dense full bodied plant in a season. Supplemental Iron will be beneficial.

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