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Billboard Advertising


In 2024, Proven Winners' billboard ads will generate 147 million impressions in the top US DMAs across traditionally contracted space and Digital Out of Home (DOOH) Network buys. These ads will run in the same markets as 2023; however, we have redistributed impressions across the DOOH Network to increase our reach in southern & western markets where we have fewer impressions from traditionally contracted billboards. The creative for all traditional digital and static billboards with contracted campaigns (29 markets; 65 billboards total) is unique to each market. See examples for Miami and Fort Lauderdale, FL below.



2024 Plans for US Weather-Triggered Campaigns

Proven Winners’ 2024 weather-triggered campaigns will only run when temperatures are favorable in each region (trigger details below). These ads will run on a DOOH Network across 36 markets. New for 2024, we are testing art for these campaigns that will take advantage of the weather triggering with “Today’s forecast calls for…” messaging. This campaign was featured on 1,111 billboards across the US.


2024 Schedule for Canada

Our national billboard campaigns aim to build brand awareness and drive garden center sales during the peak season. The 2024 Canadian outdoor campaigns will be very similar to those in 2023, with an additional 1 million impressions. We will advertise in the following Canadian markets this spring.
All of these billboards are digital panels with scheduled plays ranging from six to ten seconds. For additional details on billboard locations, panel sizes, or creative rotation, please contact Cara.


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