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Low Scape Mound® Aronia melanocarpa

Flower Season
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Fall
Mature Size
2' 2' 61cm 61cm
Height: 12" - 2'
Spread: 18" - 2'
Height: 30cm - 61cm
Spread: 46cm - 61cm
Top Seller
  • Details

    12 - 24 Inches
    18 - 26 Inches
    18 - 24 Inches
    30cm - 61cm
    46cm - 66cm
    46cm - 61cm


    Low-growing groundcover shrub, providing beauty from spring through frost.

    Low Scape Mound aronia is a tough, tolerant, tidy little mound of glossy green foliage. In spring, it's covered in hundreds of dainty white flowers, and in autumn, the leaves turn brilliant red to contrast with dark purple-black fruit. The unique low-growing, mound-shaped habit of this new variety makes it perfect for mass planting as a ground cover or edging plant as it spreads outward via suckers. It naturalizes a space beautifully. Best of all, it thrives almost anywhere: cold climates and hot ones, wet soils and dry ones, sun and part shade. This native shrub will gracefully handle just about any landscape challenge you can throw at it! 

    Top three reasons to grow Low Scape Mound aronia:
    - Low-growing, mounded habit, perfect for edging and groundcover
    - Tolerates a wide range of growing conditions
    - White flowers in spring; Dark purple fruit and brilliant fall foliage.

    Best Seller
    Fall Interest
    Heat Tolerant
    Deadheading Not Necessary
    Drought Tolerant
    Salt Tolerant
    Erosion Control
    Bog Plant
    Native to North America


    Plant Type: 
    Shrub Type: 
    Height Category: 
    Garden Height: 
    12 - 24 Inches 30cm - 61cm
    18 - 26 Inches 46cm - 66cm
    18 - 24 Inches 46cm - 61cm
    Flower Colors: 
    Foliage Colors: 
    Foliage Shade: 
    Container Role: 

    Plant Needs

    Light Requirement: 
    Part Sun to Sun
    Light Requirement: 

    The optimum amount of sun or shade each plant needs to thrive: Full Sun (6+ hours), Part Sun (4-6 hours), Full Shade (up to 4 hours).

    Maintenance Category: 
    Blooms On: 
    Old Wood
    Bloom Time: 
    Mid Spring
    Hardiness Zones: 
    3a, 3b, 4a, 4b, 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, 9a
    Water Category: 
    Border Plant
    Edging Plant
    Lawn Substitute
    Mass Planting
    Uses Notes: 

    Aronia Growing Guide

    Maintenance Notes: 

    Aronia is one of the toughest, most durable shrubs, and needs little care. If you wish to prune, the best time is immediately after it blooms. However, be aware that this will remove the potential for any fruit to form.

    Wondering about deer resistance? It varies. We have found that in areas with heavy deer or rabbit activity, they may eat the flower buds in early spring, when food supplies are scarce. However, they do not typically continue browsing aronia after that, so are unlikely to cause severe or disfiguring damage to the plant itself.

    Fun Facts: 

    Aronia's common name, chokeberry, comes from the extremely astringent taste of the fruit.

    Low Scape Mound® Aronia melanocarpa 'UCONNAM165' USPP 28,789, Can 6,519
  • 12 Reviews

    Browse reviews from people who have grown this plant.
    • Thank you Proven Winners for adding the suckering information. Gardeners will find this information very useful. I always look for Proven Winners at nurseries. This was my first and only bad experience with a Proven Winners plant.

      Dawn Walker
      , Montana
      , United States
      , 19 weeks ago
    • We purchased SEVERAL of these as accents in our flower borders. What's not to love with that description? These shrubs suckered everywhere in our beds! We had to dig out about 15 plants! What a waste of time and money. This should be included in the description, that they will creep and sucker. They do not stay in a tidy mound! I am such a Proven Winners fan, but this was such a HUGE disappointment.

      Dawn Walker
      , Montana
      , United States
      , 26 weeks ago
    • I ordered 2 of these from another place in 2020. They were PW plants and the tag said Low Scape Mound Aronia, but clearly they weren’t. I believe they were actually Ground Hug. They never formed a mound, and crept all over my flower garden. I planted them by my front door, and I like that area to be neat and tidy, but these plants were creeping through my landscape stones. After 3 years I ripped them out and threw them away. However, my flower garden has rock in it and not mulch, so I could not get all the shoots. So now I’m constantly out there trying to rip out the shoots that look like weeds to the unknowing eye. It’s a mess. Be careful when buying this plant. You may receive some that are mislabeled, and regret them as much as I do.

      , Missouri
      , United States
      , 1 year ago
    • Purchased (5) smaller plants and they proved to be a feast for the rabbits. Tried to deter the critters with plastic netting, and just as the shrubs were getting bigger, the rabbits chewed all but (1) to the ground. I have replaced all (5) with larger, 3-gallon sized aronia -- we'll see if the rabbits leave these larger plants alone. I love this variety too much to surrender to defeat (just yet).

      , Ohio
      , United States
      , 1 year ago
    • Unfortunately, our aronia shrubs, including Low Scape, have proven very appetizing to rabbits, which treat our yard like a cafeteria and have dined on these beautiful shrubs continuously throughout the summer. These formerly leafy shrubs are all now disfigured, twiggy skeletons. We are considering replacing them with clethra Sixteen Candles or some other selection that might be more rabbit resistant. Our experience is that Low Scape is NOT rabbit resistant.

      Guy Mueller
      , Wisconsin
      , United States
      , 1 year ago
    • Great tough little shrubs! I bough three of these shrubs last year to help with a small problem area in my garden. It is just an added bonus for me that they are native & provide wildlife value. I'm very happy with the hardiness and how well they performed last year. They survived in a very wet and hot summer. I just love these little shrubs that exceeded my expectations and can't wait to watch them grow.

      , Texas
      , United States
      , 2 years ago
    • Great little plant. I have 15 as a low hedge in front of my front foundation planting. Resistant to rabbits, easy care even in drought, great 3 season interest. And native with wildlife value to boot!

      Anne Butsch
      , Indiana
      , United States
      , 4 years ago
    • I purchased one during the sale last Summer, and it has performed beyond expectations- no need to water all the time, established quickly, good Fall color. The best feature is the strength- we've had a horrible Winter with the strongest winds and frost on record and this shrub had not one broken branch and it emerged this week full of buds. Outstanding performance, looks and form. Will purchase more.

      , United States
      , 5 years ago
    • Just planted 3 this spring, and so far they have grown and thrived producing beautiful red color for the fall! I am very happy with the hardiness and seasonal interest of these plants. I hope they survive a Midwest winter!

      J Hilpert
      , Minnesota
      , United States
      , 5 years ago
    • I planted this early spring 2016, and with weekly watering, they survived and thrived in a very dry, hot summer. Love these little beauties. Can't wait to see them grow in the next few years. Color and flowers are perfect.

      , Missouri
      , United States
      , 7 years ago
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