Early Spring through Fall Finish. Standard PPP.
For all sizes of containers, pinch the liner 1–2 weeks after transplant; for containers larger than 6” and for hanging baskets, trim around the edge of the container as needed prior to spacing or hanging of the baskets.
Sumagic at 5-10 ppm is effective at controlling growth if needed. Cold temperatures will also control growth.
General pest and disease practices as listed in notes. Sunsatia is sensitive to pythium, phytopthera, and thelaviopsis. Maintaining proper pH (5.5-5.8) and good sanitation practices will help alleviate problems. Increased air circulation, proper water management and good soil porosity are also critical. Rhapsody or copper based fungicide has been found to be effective in preventing erwinia. Agrimycin is also effective as a preventative for controlling erwinia.
Water early in the morning and maintain low humidity. Thrip control is necessary because Sunsatia is susceptible to INSV.
Grower Tips for Sunsatia
-Grow dry.
-Preventive fungicides are recommended at transplant.
-High light required at production.
-Air circulation, proper water management, and good soil porosity are critical.
-Water early in the morning and maintain low humidity.
Air circulation and proper water management are critical.
Sunsatia Raspberry, Sunsatia Mango, and Sunsatia Pear are better suited for upright pots than hanging baskets.
Award Year | Award | Plant Trial |
2011 | Best Annuals | University of Minnesota - Grand Rapids |
2011 | Best Annuals | University of Minnesota - Grand Rapids |
2010 | Best in Category | Cornell-Long Island |
2010 | Consumer Top Choice | Cornell-Long Island |
2010 | Best in Category | Cornell-Long Island |
2010 | Consumer Top Choice | Cornell-Long Island |
2010 | Best in Category | Cornell-Long Island |
2010 | Consumer Top Choice | Cornell-Long Island |