Standard PPP. Early Spring through Fall Finish
For all sizes of containers, pinch the liner 1–2 weeks after transplant; for containers larger than 6” and for hanging baskets, trim around the edge of the container as needed prior to spacing or hanging of the baskets.
A Sumagic spray at 5 ppm, 3 weeks after transplant is effective. Bonzi at 1 to 2 ppm is a good holding drench, do not apply too early - apply when the plant just starts over the edge of the pot. Topflor spray at 10 ppm is also effective. Snow Princess is also responsive to day/night temperature differential (DIF), and are shorter with a negative DIF.
Standard pest and disease practices as outlined in the notes.
-Water early in the day so foliage is dry by nightfall to decrease disease pressure.
-Growing at too cold a temperature can cause purpling of the foliage.
-Yellow foliage is caused by drying the plant down past wilt stage.
This plant is much more vigorous and heat tolerant, continuing to bloom through the summer, than seed versions.
This plant is vigorous and can be pinched or pruned to shape.
Award Year | Award | Plant Trial |
2013 | Best of Breed | North Carolina State, JC Raulston Arboretum |
2013 | Leader of the Pack - Late Season | North Carolina State, JC Raulston Arboretum |
2013 | Leader of the Pack - Early Season | North Carolina State, JC Raulston Arboretum |
2013 | Leader of the Pack - Summer | North Carolina State, JC Raulston Arboretum |
2013 | Top Performer | Michigan State University |
2012 | Top Performer | Colorado State University |
2012 | Top Performer | University of Tennessee - Knoxville |
2012 | Top Perfomer | University of Wisconsin |
2012 | Top Perfomer | South Dakota State - McCrory Gardens |
2012 | Top Performer | University of Georgia |