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Top 10 Pink Plants

Pink is the international color of breast cancer awareness. Whether you are looking for a gift for a friend who has been touched by cancer or wish to show your support by planting all things pink, here are ten beautiful options we can confidently recommend.

Contributors: Susan Martin

Invincibelle® Spirit II Hydrangea arborescens

Large, true pink flowers are produced on strong stems from midsummer to frost in zones 3-9 on this remarkable 'Annabelle'-type smooth hydrangea. Full sun to part sun.

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM), is an annual international health campaign organized by major breast cancer charities every October to increase awareness of the disease and to raise funds for research into its cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure.

Invincibelle® Spirit II is the only hydrangea in the world whose sales support breast cancer research. Proven Winners is proud to donate $1.00 from the sale of every Invincibelle® Spirit II hydrangea plant to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, an organization that is dedicated to advancing the world's most promising research to eradicate breast cancer in our lifetime. To date, we have donated over $973,000 to this cause through the sale of this plant.

For more information on our campaign, visit

Pugster Pink® Buddleia

New for 2018! Large panicles of fragrant, taffy pink flowers appear on thick, winter hardy stems from summer through fall in zones 5-9. Full sun.


Sonic Bloom® Pink Weigela florida

This very low maintenance shrub is blanketed in hot pink flowers in late spring, and repeats flowering until frost in zones 4-8. Full sun.


Double Take Pink Chaenomeles

This beautiful, thornless quince shrub will be one of the first things to bloom in your garden in spring. It is extremely durable and long-lived in zones 5-9. Full sun to part sun.

Infinitini® Brite Pink Lagerstroemia

This dwarf shrub-form crapemyrtle blooms and reblooms all summer long with bright pink flowers on arching stems. Winter hardy in zones 6b-11, full sun.

'Pardon My Pink' Monarda didyma

This sweet and petite bee balm attracts pollinators to the garden from midsummer into late summer in zones 4-8. Its glossy foliage is very resistant to mildew. Full sun to part shade.


 Rock 'N Grow® 'Popstar' Sedum

New for 2018! Perfect for the rock garden, this low, mounding stonecrop is covered in bright salmon pink flowers from late summer into fall in zones 3-9. Full sun.

Angelface® Perfectly Pink Angelonia

Thriving in hot, humid, sunny conditions, this colorful flowering annual makes an excellent thriller in containers and in the landscape. Full sun.


Superbells® Rising Star Calibrachoa

New for 2018! Gorgeous magenta pink flowers with a creamy white star pattern appear abundantly on cascading stems all season without deadheading. Annual, full sun to part sun.


Hippo Rose Hypoestes phyllostachya

New for 2018! This versatile foliage plant grows in sun and shade, in containers and landscapes,  indoors and outside. Sprinkle it liberally throughout your garden!

Want to explore more pink plants? We offer hundreds of plants with pink flowers. Click here to search the list. Or pin your favorites on our Pink Plants Pinterest board.


Patent Information: Invincibelle® Spirit II Hydrangea arborescens 'NCHA2' USPP 28,316, Can PBRAF,Pugster® Pink Buddleia x 'SMNBDPT' USPPAF, Can PBRAF, Sonic Bloom® Pink Weigela florida 'Bokrasopin' USPP 24,572, Can 4,597, Double Take Pink Chaenomeles speciosa 'Pink Storm' USPP 20,920, Infinitini® Brite Pink Lagerstroemia indica 'G2X133143' USPP 27,452, Can PBRAF, 'Pardon My Pink' Monarda didyma USPP 24,244, Can 5,100, Rock 'N Grow® 'Popstar' Sedum hybrid USPPAF, Can PBRAF, Angelface® Perfectly Pink Angelonia hybrid USPPAF, Can PBRAF, Superbells® Rising Star Calibrachoa hybrid USPPAF, Can PBRAF. Hippo Rose Hypoestes phyllostachya 'G14160' USPPAF, Can PBRAF. 

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