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Webinars - Sales and Marketing









Marketing Plants to Engage the Conscientious Consumer - Dr. Melinda Knuth, Assistant Professor in Horticultural Sciences, N.C. State University

Description: From everyday utilitarian items to luxury goods, consumers are becoming increasingly conscientious about the products they purchase and their potential impact on the environment and society.

Join Dr. Melinda Knuth as she shares insights from a recent USDA study that highlights relationships between conscientious consumers, the plants they purchase, and how likely they are to repeat their purchases in the future. Dr. Knuth will key in on how these relationships can be used to better tailor IGCs marketing messages to resonate with more conscientious consumer groups.

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Get Started with SMS: The low input - high reward marketing solution for Spring
Katie Elzer-Peters- The Garden of Words, LLC

SMS or MMS (Text message) marketing is quickly becoming the channel of choice for consumers to get information from their favorite retailers and brands. For consumers, SMS provides brief, timely information they can immediately act on without cluttering an email inbox.  For IGCs, SMS is faster to implement than email, with a higher return on investment, and is still 100% customer permission-based marketing. Learn how to get started with SMS this spring to keep your core IGC customers engaged and to help new customers be successful gardeners. We'll cover how to choose an SMS service, SMS terminology, ideas for SMS campaigns, and answer questions about frequency and metrics.

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SMS Supercharge for IGCs
Katie Elzer-Peters- The Garden of Words, LLC
So, you have an SMS program started and you're ready to take it to the next level. During this session you'll learn how to use SMS-specific features (offered by virtually every SMS platform) to grow your SMS list, segment the list so you're offering relevant information, allow customers to set communication preferences, and how to use transactional SMS messages to support in-store events.

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Story-telling Tips From a Theatre Nerd – Why Retail is Theatre and It’s Time to Play
Liz Lark-Riley – Rockledge Gardens
From "casting" to scripting to setting the stage, retail and theater have more in common than you might expect. Join Liz, a garden center Managing Director who came to her role with 15 years of experience in the performing arts, to learn how she translates the principles used to create captivating performances for the stage into unforgettable experiences in a retail environment. From communicating your IGC’s unique story and marketing with meaning to creating an environment your customers will want to visit again and again, you’ll learn how to engage your core audience in a way that will have them giving you a standing ovation.

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from the Pros: Creating Social Media Connections

How do you continue to build relationships with customers and motivate them to shop at a time when they are nervous about leaving their house? You must meet them where they are, acknowledge the times we are living through, and help them find a way to keep on growing what they love.

As huge numbers of new gardeners enter the market, reaching them through social media is of critical importance as it is often the first place they seek advice. In this webinar, our 3-person panel of social media specialists will share their tips on how they have built meaningful connections with customers, give practical advice on managing the workload, and advice on best practices. Special focus will be given to Instagram as it continues to see exponential growth and holds great potential with the next generation of plant enthusiasts.

Panelists include:

  • Jenny Simpson- Owner, Creekside Nursery
  • Susan Martin – Proven Winners Instagram Specialist
  • Stacey Hirvela, Marketing Manager, Spring Meadow

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Social Media, Diving Deeper

Following the great attendance, interaction and feedback of our fall webinar “Tips from the Pros: Creating Social Media Connections”, we are pleased to offer another social media webinar: “Social Media: Diving Deeper” which delves further into ways to put Facebook and Instagram’s tools to work for you and grow your presence and engagement on those platforms this spring. Please note this webinar will last 90 minutes. We know that is longer than usual, but we have a lot of great content to share and want to be sure we have ample time to answer questions from the audience. We will be joined Susan Martin, Instagram specialist for Proven Winners, Kristina Howley, Horticulture Content Specialist at Spring Meadow who will focus on Facebook tips and tools for this webinar and Joe Williams, SEO and PPC Specialist also from Spring Meadow. Joe will share information on data tracking, optimization and analytics for both Facebook and Instagram.

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Creative Strategies and Tips for Leveraging TikTok At Your Garden Center
Kristina Howley – Spring Meadow
TikTok isn’t a fad, and it’s not going away! Learn useful tips and tricks on how to leverage TikTok as a part of your social media strategy in 2023.

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Quick Ways to Drive More Leads to Your Business with Dayna Springfield

Taking the time to constantly update your Google Business Profile (formerly known as Google My Business) can seem daunting—especially with so much to do around the garden center! But with a few simple hacks, you'll be able to consistently highlight your company, without putting in a great deal of time each week. Join Dayna Springfield of Garden Design as she shares post ideas and scheduling tips, plus how to encourage more reviews from customers.

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Handouts (PDF):  Q & A   Google Business Profile - Getting Started

If the Shoe Fits: Anne Obarski

We are all part of a $1.5 trillion economy, that is one click away from being tempted by the competition. Consumers used to be much more forgiving, often giving 3 strikes before you were out.

Now your customers can leave you with one mistake, one blunt conversation or a slow website response! What is your company’s touchpoint score? Are you aware of where you must put your focus to avoid any and all parts of your customer service delivery falling through that lethal crack?

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Take Back Control: The Importance of Driving Trends Instead of Chasing Them: Leslie Halleck

When it comes to keeping up with trends, are  you in the driver’s seat or a passenger hanging on for dear life? Keeping up with trends in the marketplace can feel like riding a roller coaster. By the  time you react and start to tap into a new gardening or houseplant trend, your  customers may already be moving on. Would you rather let social media  influencers determine what you need to sell then chase down that product…or  would you rather control that conversation from the start? As new and  inexperienced gardeners search for guidance and inspiration, now is the time to  take charge and lead from the front. Leslie will dig deeper into this idea and inspire you to quit chasing trends, and take the wheel as trend setters.

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